New Haynes-Trinity Neighborhood Coalition –

New Haynes-Trinity Neighborhood Coalition

By Cathy Bowers. NASHVILLE, TN — This past weekend concerned local citizens in Metro Council District 2 met to discuss issues and realized there was not an …

Winnie Forrester

By Cathy Bowers

NASHVILLE, TN — This past weekend concerned local citizens in Metro Council District 2 met to discuss issues and realized there was not an official and legal organization called Haynes-Trinity Neighborhood Organization. Even though Winnie Forrester, a self-appointed/annointed community leader in a 99.9% African American neighborhood had

Rev. William Haynes

been operating a Facebook organization by that name and having meetings and accepting money from developers to stay quiet on various projects. Two African American community leaders decided to form a legal and state-recognized organization to help the citizens truly understand what was happening in this African American District 2 Area of North Nashville. The new Haynes-Trinity Neighborhood Coalition was formed. Danavan Hylton was named president and Cathy Bowers was named secretary – treasurer. The first meeting will be in late September. All citizens living in the the Trinity Lane and Whites Creek Pike area are welcome to be members. 

Danavan Hylton said, “I have lived here with my wife and children for 7 years now, I actually ran for Metro Council 4 years ago. I lost, (unlike Bobby Stockard who lost and became bitter against DeCosta and joined Winnie’s bandwagon), and supported DeCosta Hastings for council. After DeCosta won, I watched his productivity closely. He has worked hard for District 2 everyday he has been in office. But this illegal organization on Facebook lead by Winnie Forrester kept attacking him and criticizing him because he would not do what Winnie Forrester, the self-appointed/annointed district leader in District 2 wanted him to do. Her organization is a cancer in our community.” Last week it was discovered the self-appointed/annointed leader Winnie Forrester had taken hush money from developers to keep silent on certain issues so how can we trust that person to be a true leader if a person is alleged to be shaking down developers? We found out that Winnie Forrester received $20,000.00 from two developers and had the checks made out to another community group Winnie Forrester heads up called the Haynes Heights Neighborhood Association. But to this day the community does not know how that money has helped District 2. A true community organization does not take money to be silent. Winnie Forrester also had the developers donate $25,000.00 to an unknown local church. No one knows what happened to that money either.” What Church, why does she get to decide who gets the money? Remember this is a 99.9% Black community. 

There is speculation she kept the money or has used it to finance her Metro Council candidate Kyonzte Toombs campaign with it. No one knows.” Danavan Hylton contin- ued: “We will not operate the new Haynes -Trinity Neighborhood Coalition like that. We will meet once a month. We will be open and transparent in all of our dealings. 

It is amazing that Winnie Forrester is the white supreme leader of 2 (two) 99.9 % African American Home Owners Associations.

For the record, our historically African American neighborhood was developed by an African American – Rev. William Haynes, starting in the late 19th century. Haynes, the son of a plantation owner and an enslaved mother, who opened various churches and schools in our area, and assisted in the creation of American Baptist College.

It was the home of several civil rights activists in the 1950s and 1960s and today it’s the home of many prominent professional and civil rights activists. It is a known fact that more whites are now migrating to this area as homes value up to $500,000.00 or more with some of the largest lots in the city.    

Let it be known that before Forrester discovered this hidden African American gem and planned her quiet takeover, she moved from East Nashville to our quiet upscale neighborhood of more than 130 homes a few years ago in large part because of the pace of growth and gentrification in her former white neighborhood. We are a proud traditional African-American neighborhood with a high rate of stable, long-term home ownership and African American leadership. Winnie knows that no where in this city would an African American speak for and takeover or be the president of a traditional white neighborhood association when the community has only 4 Black families living there. Who gives her the right to speak for our African American community?

Therefore, let it be known that:

The new Haynes-Trinity Neighborhood Coalition submits the following mission statement:

“To educate the general public about events and plans for growth and new development happening in the Trinity Lane and Whites Creek Pike Areas including, but not limited to the Haynes Manor Area of Metropolitan Nashville Council District 2. We also strive to hold public officials and candidates for public office accountable for their actions and positions they take when seeking to represent us in public office.”

Article submitted by “The new Haynes- Trinity Neighborhood Coalition’’
Danavan Hylton, President
Cathy Bowers,  Secretary – Treasurer