At Cigar Smoking World Championship, the best always finish last – The Indian Express

At Cigar Smoking World Championship, the best always finish last  The Indian Express

Poland Athletics And Sports Soccer Sports Nashville (Tenn) Fashion And Apparel Croatia Smoking And Tobacco Adriatic Sea Nice (France) Cigars Russia Tennessee Medicine And Health Split (Croatia) Burns Sweden Motorcycle Racing Austria Science And Technology Shoes And Boots Rage Against The Machine (Music Group) Norway

By Andrew Keh

The smoke machine seemed redundant. This was the Cigar Smoking World Championship. There was already a lot of smoke.

But there it was, next to the laser lights and the rattling sound system, pluming white fog around a subterranean hotel ballroom in which people in tuxedos and evening gowns representing more than 40 countries had gathered to find out who among them could smoke a cigar the slowest.

The noise, the pageantry, the glittery prizes valued at tens of thousands of dollars — for Marko Bilic, a garrulous local cigar lounge owner, it was a far cry from the genesis of the event 10 years ago, when 17 people came by to try a game he had just made up.

When the most recent edition was held, in the last week of August, there were close to 250 attendees, many of whom had competed in one of the 34 qualification events held around the world this year.

“The best smokers in the world are here tonight,” Bilic declared after all the rules were recited and the ceremonial first cigar was cut. “Let’s see what they can do.”

The smokers lit their matches. The room fell silent. This was their one chance to apply fire to their cigars. The clock counted up from zero, and for the next several hours, the competitors sat there, staring at their embers, quietly watching them burn.

I first heard about the Cigar Smoking World Championship three years ago, around the time that I began my current assignment as The New York Times’ international sports correspondent. It sounded then like something to avoid: contrived whimsy, quirk for quirk’s sake, unserious and unimportant.

Poland Athletics And Sports Soccer Sports Nashville (Tenn) Fashion And Apparel Croatia Smoking And Tobacco Adriatic Sea Nice (France) Cigars Russia Tennessee Medicine And Health Split (Croatia) Burns Sweden Motorcycle Racing Austria Science And Technology Shoes And Boots Rage Against The Machine (Music Group) Norway

Over the next couple of years, though, as I reported articles from 21 countries, I felt my perspective change. The competitions I attended — motorcycle racing, darts, soccer, chess, cycling, basketball and whatever else — started to feel more alike than different. Athletes, whether they were skating in an Olympic rink in Norway or on a frozen lake in Austria, told me the same things about their motivations and desires. The bonds inside these communities, however different, felt equally strong, from the Swamp Soccer World Cup to the actual World Cup.

My assignment overseas will come to an end next month. As I get ready to return to New York, I feel as if I’ve achieved a deeper understanding of sports at their essence, of the heart of why people everywhere gather to compete.

And so, in that spirit, I decided to go watch a cigar smoking contest.

Slow and Steady

Humans are naturally competitive. That’s what Igor Kovacic, who holds the slow cigar smoking world record (3 hours 52 minutes 55 seconds), was explaining to me a few minutes before the competition began. I had found him pacing in a hallway with his headphones on, listening to Rage Against the Machine at full volume.

“I need to get angry, and then I put it into the competition,” he said. “I almost don’t like myself when I compete. I look like I’m going to kill somebody. I’m not that kind of guy.”

Kovacic broke down the event for me. There is luck involved, to be sure. The cigar you pick or even where you sit in a room makes a difference. But there is room for skill, strategy and instinct, too. One has to read the way a cigar burns, to interpret the heat emanating from its skin, to measure the weight on each puff.

People train seriously for this.

“Athletics like running or weight lifting are the only sports where people are truly competing against physical limits,” Bilic said. “But for sports like football, cricket, there are rules created by humans, and in the framework of these rules, people try to be the best. It’s the same in cigar smoking.”

Kovacic, 48, an infrastructure project manager from Gothenburg, Sweden, snatched the world record earlier this year from Darren Cioffi, an American who has held it eight times. Their heated rivalry constituted the main competitive storyline of the weekend.

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“They’re like Magic and Bird,” said Alex Lerian, a competitor from New York who wore earplugs to help him focus.

I met Cioffi the night before the event on a hotel terrace overlooking the Adriatic Sea. The waterfront felt serene, but he confessed he was finding it “hard to be chill.” The contest was weighing on him. He wanted to have fun. He was among friends. But there were a lot of people, he said, who would be happy to see him lose.

A cigar brand owner from Nashville, Tennessee, Cioffi first entered the championship in 2014 “because it sounded wacky.” He ended up winning it. He attributed his skill (besides simply knowing his way around a cigar) to his “really good up-close vision,” which he honed through a side gig as an antique paper dealer. He pointed to my notebook and told me he could tell me how many pages it had.

“Like, I just happen to be able to do this,” he said, sounding almost weary. “Part of me wishes that I could never have done it, and that way I could just be here having fun.”

There are people like Cioffi all around sports: reluctant stars, torn between feeling responsible for sharing a cosmic gift — in Cioffi’s case, being able to smoke a cigar really, really slowly — and wanting a simpler life.